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Dazed & Confused

Summer 2023

A trailblazer for emerging talent and proudly independent, Dazed magazine aims to set the cultural agenda, both on and offline. Founded by Jefferson Hack and Rankin in 1991, the entire archive of back issues is available for digital subscribers to Dazed. The independent British fashion, culture and arts magazine has a strong global reputation for its groundbreaking and trendsetting editorial and its support of new generations of fashion, art, literature, photography and music talent., their online magazine, is updated daily, hosting interactive projects, extra editorial content, exclusive music and fashion film.

Some Journeys of Pride

MEL ODOM • When my life became very chaotic, my work became very geometric, controlled

CLIFFORD PRINCE KING • When We Come Together, It’s Already Written

A heartfelt tribute to the original Der Eigene magazine, founded in Berlin in 1896.

Dazed & Confused


STARTERS • What's new and what's next for our pick of the names pushing culture forward

FEELING SCENE • Notable names and faces from Leicester, one of Britain's first ‘super-diverse’ cities with a 59% ethnic majority population, drop a pin on their favourite places to hang

PAGE TURNERS • With Britain in the throes of an existential crisis, we asked writers from across the country to share the dissenting voices nudging us towards new and inclusive concepts of national identity - some of them so good, we had to mention them twice

Coming up FOR AIR • In a city where the air is so polluted simply breathing in is a hazard to your health, Sadiq Khan is on a mission to curb emissions. But London is becoming unlivable in more ways than one. Seven years into his tenure as mayor, how does his track record stack up?

EL GLOSICO • Up and down the country, lower-league football has become Britain's go-to fix for indulging our national obsession, and letting off steam in the age of neverending austerity. We travel to the West Country for a grudge match like no other - and discover the ‘strange and ferocious’ things happening in the beautiful game's less beautiful enclaves

NOVACENE • Bringing together a diverse cast of dancers from across the UK, Wayne McGregor takes a bold leap forward into ballet's future with his new show, a collaboration with designer Grace Wales Bonner. Here, they talk about the power of design to unlock performers' true potential

STATES OF PLAY • Like the young British artists of 30 years ago, today's crop of UK creatives are finding new ways to express dissent in a country where the vibes are off, and the future is uncertain

VENNA • A Grammy winner at 22, south London saxophonist Venna's fingerprints are all over hits by music's MVPs from Beyoncé to Burna Boy

LOLA YOUNG • From trash-talking her old songs to getting booted off the tube for singing too loudly, Lola Young isn't one to hold back in her quest for global fame

SPACE AFRIKA • With songs that reflect the everyday hustle of life in the inner city, Space Afrika are the ambient noise duo putting Manchester on high alert

BRIT TOK • From home counties parents to awkz reply guys, Brit Tok is the place to chart every corner of UK culture in 2023. We track down the kings, queens and drags resurrecting the persona-mashing comedy of bygone British surrealism

NATIONAL RAIL • Forget stiff upper lips - well, maybe not the ‘stiff’ part - a new sex survey reveals British youth to be among the horniest in Europe. We saddle up and discover a nation surprisingly at ease with its kinks


Will the last person to keep calm and carry on please turn out the lights?

All Grown Up

HOME GROWN • Stormzy grew up in Croydon with two worlds inside of him: one, in ends...

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Fréquence: Trimestriel Pages: 280 Éditeur: Dazed Media Édition: Summer 2023

OverDrive Magazine

  • Date de publication : 14 juin 2023


OverDrive Magazine



A trailblazer for emerging talent and proudly independent, Dazed magazine aims to set the cultural agenda, both on and offline. Founded by Jefferson Hack and Rankin in 1991, the entire archive of back issues is available for digital subscribers to Dazed. The independent British fashion, culture and arts magazine has a strong global reputation for its groundbreaking and trendsetting editorial and its support of new generations of fashion, art, literature, photography and music talent., their online magazine, is updated daily, hosting interactive projects, extra editorial content, exclusive music and fashion film.

Some Journeys of Pride

MEL ODOM • When my life became very chaotic, my work became very geometric, controlled

CLIFFORD PRINCE KING • When We Come Together, It’s Already Written

A heartfelt tribute to the original Der Eigene magazine, founded in Berlin in 1896.

Dazed & Confused


STARTERS • What's new and what's next for our pick of the names pushing culture forward

FEELING SCENE • Notable names and faces from Leicester, one of Britain's first ‘super-diverse’ cities with a 59% ethnic majority population, drop a pin on their favourite places to hang

PAGE TURNERS • With Britain in the throes of an existential crisis, we asked writers from across the country to share the dissenting voices nudging us towards new and inclusive concepts of national identity - some of them so good, we had to mention them twice

Coming up FOR AIR • In a city where the air is so polluted simply breathing in is a hazard to your health, Sadiq Khan is on a mission to curb emissions. But London is becoming unlivable in more ways than one. Seven years into his tenure as mayor, how does his track record stack up?

EL GLOSICO • Up and down the country, lower-league football has become Britain's go-to fix for indulging our national obsession, and letting off steam in the age of neverending austerity. We travel to the West Country for a grudge match like no other - and discover the ‘strange and ferocious’ things happening in the beautiful game's less beautiful enclaves

NOVACENE • Bringing together a diverse cast of dancers from across the UK, Wayne McGregor takes a bold leap forward into ballet's future with his new show, a collaboration with designer Grace Wales Bonner. Here, they talk about the power of design to unlock performers' true potential

STATES OF PLAY • Like the young British artists of 30 years ago, today's crop of UK creatives are finding new ways to express dissent in a country where the vibes are off, and the future is uncertain

VENNA • A Grammy winner at 22, south London saxophonist Venna's fingerprints are all over hits by music's MVPs from Beyoncé to Burna Boy

LOLA YOUNG • From trash-talking her old songs to getting booted off the tube for singing too loudly, Lola Young isn't one to hold back in her quest for global fame

SPACE AFRIKA • With songs that reflect the everyday hustle of life in the inner city, Space Afrika are the ambient noise duo putting Manchester on high alert

BRIT TOK • From home counties parents to awkz reply guys, Brit Tok is the place to chart every corner of UK culture in 2023. We track down the kings, queens and drags resurrecting the persona-mashing comedy of bygone British surrealism

NATIONAL RAIL • Forget stiff upper lips - well, maybe not the ‘stiff’ part - a new sex survey reveals British youth to be among the horniest in Europe. We saddle up and discover a nation surprisingly at ease with its kinks


Will the last person to keep calm and carry on please turn out the lights?

All Grown Up

HOME GROWN • Stormzy grew up in Croydon with two worlds inside of him: one, in ends...

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