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W Magazine

Volume 1, 2024

W means the World of Style. Fashion--and everything fashionable--through the lens of contemporary culture. W's combination of photography and journalism artfully answer the questions Who, What, When, Where, and Why for the people who lead the global conversation in fashion, art, beauty, design, cinema, music, politics and travel.

Best Performances: The Covers • In 2023, singular star turns came from films that explored real-world complexities.

Best Performances


W Magazine

Simply the Best

Backstory: Louis Vuitton Damoflage • Pharrell Williams gives camo new ammo.

My Life in Parties: Amanda Lepore • A fixture on the nightlife circuit since the 1990s, New York’s favorite bombshell is still at the top of her game.

Flash Forward: Torishéju • Designer Torishéju Dumi’s debut runway show was the talk of Paris Fashion Week. Now she’s figuring out how to harness the power of buzz.

Having a Moment: Statement Sleeves • A sometimes overlooked design element can provide unexpected insight into the wearer’s personality.

A New Era • Daniel Lee’s vision for Burberry is all about a vibrant, multicultural idea of Great Britain.

The Bandleader • Mark Ronson has been steering the sound of pop music for decades. With the Barbie soundtrack, he proved himself as a cultural arbiter.

Ronson’s Hit Matrix

Blockbusters • The season’s crowd-pleasing accessories are destined for widespread success.


stealing glances • Fashion that’s sure to capture everyone’s attention.

epic proportions • It’s hard to overstate the devastatingly chic appeal of spring’s outsize designs.

The Originals

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Fréquence: Tous les deux mois Pages: 208 Éditeur: W Media LLC Édition: Volume 1, 2024

OverDrive Magazine

  • Date de publication : 13 février 2024


OverDrive Magazine





W means the World of Style. Fashion--and everything fashionable--through the lens of contemporary culture. W's combination of photography and journalism artfully answer the questions Who, What, When, Where, and Why for the people who lead the global conversation in fashion, art, beauty, design, cinema, music, politics and travel.

Best Performances: The Covers • In 2023, singular star turns came from films that explored real-world complexities.

Best Performances


W Magazine

Simply the Best

Backstory: Louis Vuitton Damoflage • Pharrell Williams gives camo new ammo.

My Life in Parties: Amanda Lepore • A fixture on the nightlife circuit since the 1990s, New York’s favorite bombshell is still at the top of her game.

Flash Forward: Torishéju • Designer Torishéju Dumi’s debut runway show was the talk of Paris Fashion Week. Now she’s figuring out how to harness the power of buzz.

Having a Moment: Statement Sleeves • A sometimes overlooked design element can provide unexpected insight into the wearer’s personality.

A New Era • Daniel Lee’s vision for Burberry is all about a vibrant, multicultural idea of Great Britain.

The Bandleader • Mark Ronson has been steering the sound of pop music for decades. With the Barbie soundtrack, he proved himself as a cultural arbiter.

Ronson’s Hit Matrix

Blockbusters • The season’s crowd-pleasing accessories are destined for widespread success.


stealing glances • Fashion that’s sure to capture everyone’s attention.

epic proportions • It’s hard to overstate the devastatingly chic appeal of spring’s outsize designs.

The Originals

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