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The Secret

livre numérique
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Don’t miss the hit streaming series Reacher
A string of mysterious deaths. A long-classified mission. A young MP with nothing to lose.
1992. All across the United States respectable, upstanding citizens are showing up dead. These deaths could be accidents, and they don’t appear to be connected—until a fatal fall from a high-floor window attracts some unexpected attention.
That attention comes from the secretary of defense. All of a sudden he wants an interagency task force to investigate. And he wants Jack Reacher as the army’s representative. If Reacher gets a result, great. If not, he’s a convenient fall guy.
But office politics isn’t Reacher’s thing. Three questions quickly emerge: Who’s with him, who’s against him, and will the justice he dispenses be the official kind . . . or his own kind?

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Série: Jack Reacher Éditeur: Random House Publishing Group

OverDrive Read

  • ISBN: 9781984818591
  • Date de publication : 24 octobre 2023

livre numérique au format EPUB

  • ISBN: 9781984818591
  • Taille de fichier : 3884 KB
  • Date de publication : 24 octobre 2023



OverDrive Read
livre numérique au format EPUB



#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Don’t miss the hit streaming series Reacher
A string of mysterious deaths. A long-classified mission. A young MP with nothing to lose.
1992. All across the United States respectable, upstanding citizens are showing up dead. These deaths could be accidents, and they don’t appear to be connected—until a fatal fall from a high-floor window attracts some unexpected attention.
That attention comes from the secretary of defense. All of a sudden he wants an interagency task force to investigate. And he wants Jack Reacher as the army’s representative. If Reacher gets a result, great. If not, he’s a convenient fall guy.
But office politics isn’t Reacher’s thing. Three questions quickly emerge: Who’s with him, who’s against him, and will the justice he dispenses be the official kind . . . or his own kind?

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