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I Will Find You

livre numérique
In this breathtaking thriller from a New York Times bestselling author, an innocent father serving life for the murder of his own son receives evidence that his child may still be alive—and must break out of prison to find out the truth.  
David Burroughs was once a devoted father to his three-year-old son Matthew, living a dream life just a short drive away from the working-class suburb where he and his wife, Cheryl, first fell in love—until one fateful night when David woke to discover Matthew had been murdered while David was asleep just down the hall.   
Half a decade later, David’s been wrongly accused and convicted of the murder, left to serve out his time in a maximum-security prison—a fate which, grieving and wracked with guilt, David didn’t have the will to fight. The world has moved on without him. Then Cheryl’s younger sister, Rachel, makes a surprise appearance during visiting hours bearing a strange photograph . . . in the background, just barely in frame, is a boy bearing an eerie resemblance to David’s son. David just knows: Matthew is still alive.
David plans a harrowing escape, determined to achieve the impossible–save his son, clear his own name, and discover the real story of what happened. But with his life on the line and the FBI following his every move, can David evade capture long enough to reveal the shocking truth?

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Éditeur: Grand Central Publishing

OverDrive Read

  • ISBN: 9781538748404
  • Date de publication : 14 mars 2023

livre numérique au format EPUB

  • ISBN: 9781538748404
  • Taille de fichier : 784 KB
  • Date de publication : 14 mars 2023



OverDrive Read
livre numérique au format EPUB



In this breathtaking thriller from a New York Times bestselling author, an innocent father serving life for the murder of his own son receives evidence that his child may still be alive—and must break out of prison to find out the truth.  
David Burroughs was once a devoted father to his three-year-old son Matthew, living a dream life just a short drive away from the working-class suburb where he and his wife, Cheryl, first fell in love—until one fateful night when David woke to discover Matthew had been murdered while David was asleep just down the hall.   
Half a decade later, David’s been wrongly accused and convicted of the murder, left to serve out his time in a maximum-security prison—a fate which, grieving and wracked with guilt, David didn’t have the will to fight. The world has moved on without him. Then Cheryl’s younger sister, Rachel, makes a surprise appearance during visiting hours bearing a strange photograph . . . in the background, just barely in frame, is a boy bearing an eerie resemblance to David’s son. David just knows: Matthew is still alive.
David plans a harrowing escape, determined to achieve the impossible–save his son, clear his own name, and discover the real story of what happened. But with his life on the line and the FBI following his every move, can David evade capture long enough to reveal the shocking truth?

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