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The Orchid Whisperer

livre numérique

An extensive, easy-to-read guide to growing healthy orchids again and again, perfect for beginners, as well as experts looking for new tricks.

Orchids are more popular than ever but can be intimidating in their exotic beauty. In this start-to-finish guide, acclaimed orchid expert Bruce Rogers demystifies the growing process so you can watch your plants thrive and bloom year after year. The Orchid Whisperer outlines:

·      How to buy orchids: What to look for, how to get the most for your money, and what questions to ask for

·      Essentials for orchid care: Watering, fertilizing, repotting, and common myths

·      Popular easy-to-grow orchid types and what to know about them

·      Creative decorating ideas: Choosing containers, displaying orchids, and how to create centerpieces and garlands

·      And much more

Packed with expert advice and helpful tips and featuring more than one hundred beautiful color photographs of breathtaking plants, The Orchid Whisperer is a must-have for orchid lovers of every stripe.

Praise for The Orchid Whisperer 

“In layman’s language, Rogers shares his recommendations for plant selection, repotting, watering, and fertilizing most of the tropicals you will find at local markets. Sections such as “Orchid True and False” and “Location, Location, Location” share practical advice with a splash of humor.” —Marin Independent Journal

“An eminently intelligent and attractive book for beginning orchid growers. Rogers’ language is engaging and humorous, and strikes the right balance between being easy to read and needing a science degree to understand. . . . The Orchid Whisperer is one to put on the holiday list for novice orchidists.” —Orchids


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