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From Seed to Bloom

livre numérique

With 26 projects, From Seed to Bloom is a modern and practical guide to growing and styling your own floral arrangements.

Starting by tackling the principles of floristry from seed to bloom, Milli takes you through the seasons and explores the top plants to grow and how to style them. Each chapter spotlights the growing highlights of the season with top tips on how to sow, grow and harvest. Milli also shares her own stories from the field to help inspire and encourage you to grow your own, with advice on soil health, composting, sustainable growing and how to plan your planting.

From Seed to Bloom includes beautiful lifestyle photography shot through the year from Milli's field, as well as step-by-step photography that celebrates the art of creating beautiful floral pieces, to gift and to keep. This is a book for those who seek an approachable and accessible insight into the wonderful world of flower growing and floral arranging.

Learn to play with colour and texture both in your planting and styling with From Seed to Bloom, as you learn how to create designs with confidence and bring nature into your home.

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Éditeur: Quadrille

OverDrive Read

  • ISBN: 9781787137356
  • Date de publication : 9 juin 2022

livre numérique au format EPUB

  • ISBN: 9781787137356
  • Taille de fichier : 92384 KB
  • Date de publication : 9 juin 2022


OverDrive Read
livre numérique au format EPUB



With 26 projects, From Seed to Bloom is a modern and practical guide to growing and styling your own floral arrangements.

Starting by tackling the principles of floristry from seed to bloom, Milli takes you through the seasons and explores the top plants to grow and how to style them. Each chapter spotlights the growing highlights of the season with top tips on how to sow, grow and harvest. Milli also shares her own stories from the field to help inspire and encourage you to grow your own, with advice on soil health, composting, sustainable growing and how to plan your planting.

From Seed to Bloom includes beautiful lifestyle photography shot through the year from Milli's field, as well as step-by-step photography that celebrates the art of creating beautiful floral pieces, to gift and to keep. This is a book for those who seek an approachable and accessible insight into the wonderful world of flower growing and floral arranging.

Learn to play with colour and texture both in your planting and styling with From Seed to Bloom, as you learn how to create designs with confidence and bring nature into your home.

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  • Détails


    OverDrive Read
    ISBN: 9781787137356
    Date de publication : 9 juin 2022

    livre numérique au format EPUB
    ISBN: 9781787137356
    Taille de fichier : 92384 KB
    Date de publication : 9 juin 2022

  • Créateurs
  • Formats
    OverDrive Read
    livre numérique au format EPUB
  • Langues