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Pride and Prejudice

Livre audio (Inclut un contenu supplémentaire)

Pride and Prejudice is one of the most beloved novels of all time. Elizabeth Bennett, the book's poverty-bound heroine has charmed readers with her wit and sincerity since the book was first published in 1813. Its hero, the handsome and wealthy Mr. Darcy, infuriates Elizabeth — and women readers around the world — with his rude arrogance, but all fall in love with him anyway.

A comedy of manners, romance, and neighborhood drama — it's all there and more.

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Éditeur: Duke Classics Édition: Unabridged

Livre audio OverDrive Listen

  • Taille de fichier : 355512 KB
  • Date de publication : 14 décembre 2010
  • Durée : 12:20:38



Livre audio OverDrive Listen




Mesure Lexile®:1190
Difficulté du texte:9-12

Pride and Prejudice is one of the most beloved novels of all time. Elizabeth Bennett, the book's poverty-bound heroine has charmed readers with her wit and sincerity since the book was first published in 1813. Its hero, the handsome and wealthy Mr. Darcy, infuriates Elizabeth — and women readers around the world — with his rude arrogance, but all fall in love with him anyway.

A comedy of manners, romance, and neighborhood drama — it's all there and more.

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