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The History of the United States, 2nd Edition

Livre audio (Inclut un contenu supplémentaire)

This comprehensive series of 84 lectures features three award-winning historians sharing their insights into this nation's past - from the European settlement and the Revolutionary War through the Civil War, 19th-century industrialization, two world wars, and the present day. While American history spans not much more than two centuries, it is filled with a wealth of leaders, wars, movements, inventions, and ideas - each of which contributed in its own unique way to America's transformation from 13 disparate colonies on the east coast of North America into a global superpower. These lectures give you the opportunity to grasp the different aspects of our past that combine to make us distinctly American, and to gain the knowledge so essential to recognizing not only what makes this country such a noteworthy part of world history, but the varying degrees to which it has lived up to its ideals. The lectures chart the five predominant themes that run throughout the chronicle of U.S. history:

  • The American passion for freedom-including religious, political, and economic freedom.
  • The pursuit of education, which has been the quintessential way for Americans to invent (and reinvent) themselves.
  • The unquestioned faith in the value of popular government.
  • The willingness of Americans to experiment with and adapt to new environments and situations.
  • The belief that the United States is a "city on the hill," a country the likes of which the world has never seen before.

    Placing familiar historical events in the context of these overarching themes will help you see American history less as a series of separate events and more as a mosaic in which everything is interconnected.

  • Développer le texte de description du titre
    Éditeur: The Great Courses Édition: Unabridged

    Livre audio OverDrive Listen

    • ISBN: 9781682764862
    • Taille de fichier : 1249630 KB
    • Date de publication : 4 janvier 2004
    • Durée : 43:23:23

    Livre audio MP3

    • ISBN: 9781682764862
    • Taille de fichier : 1249779 KB
    • Date de publication : 4 janvier 2004
    • Durée : 43:39:08
    • Nombre de parties : 42


    Livre audio OverDrive Listen
    Livre audio MP3



    This comprehensive series of 84 lectures features three award-winning historians sharing their insights into this nation's past - from the European settlement and the Revolutionary War through the Civil War, 19th-century industrialization, two world wars, and the present day. While American history spans not much more than two centuries, it is filled with a wealth of leaders, wars, movements, inventions, and ideas - each of which contributed in its own unique way to America's transformation from 13 disparate colonies on the east coast of North America into a global superpower. These lectures give you the opportunity to grasp the different aspects of our past that combine to make us distinctly American, and to gain the knowledge so essential to recognizing not only what makes this country such a noteworthy part of world history, but the varying degrees to which it has lived up to its ideals. The lectures chart the five predominant themes that run throughout the chronicle of U.S. history:

  • The American passion for freedom-including religious, political, and economic freedom.
  • The pursuit of education, which has been the quintessential way for Americans to invent (and reinvent) themselves.
  • The unquestioned faith in the value of popular government.
  • The willingness of Americans to experiment with and adapt to new environments and situations.
  • The belief that the United States is a "city on the hill," a country the likes of which the world has never seen before.

    Placing familiar historical events in the context of these overarching themes will help you see American history less as a series of separate events and more as a mosaic in which everything is interconnected.

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    • Détails

      The Great Courses

      Livre audio OverDrive Listen
      ISBN: 9781682764862
      Taille de fichier : 1249630 KB
      Date de publication : 4 janvier 2004
      Durée : 43:23:23

      Livre audio MP3
      ISBN: 9781682764862
      Taille de fichier : 1249779 KB
      Date de publication : 4 janvier 2004
      Durée : 43:39:08
      Nombre de parties : 42

    • Créateurs
    • Formats
      Livre audio OverDrive Listen
      Livre audio MP3
    • Langues