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livre numérique
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of It Starts with Us and It Ends with Us, a novel about risking everything for love—and finding your heart somewhere between the truth and lies.
At age twenty-one, Auburn Reed has already lost everything important to her. In her fight to rebuild her shattered life, she has her goals in sight and there is no room for mistakes. But when she walks into a Dallas art studio in search of a job, she doesn't expect to find a deep attraction to the enigmatic artist who works there, Owen Gentry.
For once, Auburn takes a chance and puts her heart in control, only to discover that Owen is keeping a major secret from coming out. The magnitude of his past threatens to destroy everything important to Auburn, and the only way to get her life back on track is to cut Owen out of it.
To save their relationship, all Owen needs to do is confess. But in this case, the confession could be much more destructive than the actual sin.

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Éditeur: Atria Books

OverDrive Read

  • ISBN: 9781476791463
  • Date de publication : 10 mars 2015

livre numérique au format EPUB

  • ISBN: 9781476791463
  • Taille de fichier : 9604 KB
  • Date de publication : 10 mars 2015


OverDrive Read
livre numérique au format EPUB


Fiction Romance




Niveau ATOS:5.1
Niveau d'intérêt:9-12(UG)
Difficulté du texte:3-4

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of It Starts with Us and It Ends with Us, a novel about risking everything for love—and finding your heart somewhere between the truth and lies.
At age twenty-one, Auburn Reed has already lost everything important to her. In her fight to rebuild her shattered life, she has her goals in sight and there is no room for mistakes. But when she walks into a Dallas art studio in search of a job, she doesn't expect to find a deep attraction to the enigmatic artist who works there, Owen Gentry.
For once, Auburn takes a chance and puts her heart in control, only to discover that Owen is keeping a major secret from coming out. The magnitude of his past threatens to destroy everything important to Auburn, and the only way to get her life back on track is to cut Owen out of it.
To save their relationship, all Owen needs to do is confess. But in this case, the confession could be much more destructive than the actual sin.

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  • Détails

    Atria Books

    OverDrive Read
    ISBN: 9781476791463
    Date de publication : 10 mars 2015

    livre numérique au format EPUB
    ISBN: 9781476791463
    Taille de fichier : 9604 KB
    Date de publication : 10 mars 2015

  • Créateurs
  • Formats
    OverDrive Read
    livre numérique au format EPUB
  • Langues
  • Niveaux
    Niveau ATOS: 5.1
    Niveau d'intérêt: 9-12(UG)
    Difficulté du texte: 3-4